Land for Sale in Beecheii Tulum
HOLISTIKA NEIGHBORHOOD is an exclusive, low-density area, making it the favorite of those seeking wellness, nature, harmony and privacy.
Being a developing region but one that is positioned among the preferred areas of the inhabitants and visitors of Tulum, it has the great advantage of having a much more harmonious, aesthetic and homogeneous urbanization, unlike other areas of the city.The heart of Barrio Holistika is LA 5**|AVENUE, main street where a wide variety of restaurants, bars and shops coexist that share the culture of wellness and the search for a more conscious andfury.In addition to being the area chosen to house the first shopping center in Tulum – a large plaza that will have supermarkets, shops and cinema – in the near future it could become the main access from the New Tulum International Airport.Beecheii is a project of 95 exclusively single-family residential plots on a total area of ??7.5 hectares.It will have a Central Promenade (Called “Pa-seo Beecheii”) with amenities: cenote-type pool, clubhouse, yoga area, jungle gym, pet park and children’s play area. It will be completely fenced and will have controlled access and 24-hour security.This entire project was thought and planned based on how to generate value at the price per month, so that those who trust in this project can haveSUSTAINABLE GUARANTEES TO GENERATE YOUR GOODWILL.SAVE IT ONLY WITH 40,000 pesos or 2,000 dollars Amenities and Services:CENOTE TYPE COMMON POOLcenote-like common poolCLUBHOUSEclubnouse(FD JUNGLE GYMYOGA AREAyoga areaDRINKING WATERrunning waterUNDERGROUND ELECTRICITYunderground electricityFIBER OPTICAL AND WIFIoptical fiber and wifi???PET PARKKIDS AREAkid’s areaBEECHEII WALKBeecheii walkPERIMETER FALLSperimeter fencesSTREET LIGHTINGstreet lightingGARBAGE AND GARBAGE SEPARATION AREAtrash area and waste sortingSURVEILLANCE AND SECURITY BOOTHsurveillance and security boothCONTROLLED ACCESScontrolled accessWHITE STREETS WITH TREATMENTWhite treated streetsSTORM DRAINstormwater drainageBeach clubBeach Club
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Our estimated rental income is based on other 0 bedroom homes in the same area who report earning $1848 per month, and being full 70% of the time. Actual rental income is based on a number of factors and is not guaranteed. Contact us if you’d like help getting a more precise estimate for this property.
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